Please see below a list of benefits.
Ensures the pet is in safe hands
Pet remains in a home environment until adopted (foster care based rescue)
Required vet work is taken care of at no charge to you
Removes stress and risks involved when re-homing a pet privately
Mitigates pets ending up in dis-ingenuine hands and/or homes
Adopters and foster carers are vetted before approval
Thinking About Surrendering…
Sometimes situations can arise that may be outside of your control and you may find yourself in the position of needing to surrender a pet. Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that surrendering a pet to a rescue for rehoming will give them a second chance at life. You will also have peace of mind knowing that would-be owners are ‘screened’ to ensure that pets are being re-homed to responsible and loving adopters.
As a foster care based rescue, we don't have a ‘fixed’ location with on-site housing facilities. This means that our ability to assist is subject to placement available with a registered foster carer. We can at times have a wait list and will require your patience as we seek suitable care for your pet.
To allow us to better help you, we ask that you provide as much information as possible about the pet you wish to surrender. The more we know about your pet, the better the chance of us finding suitable foster care placement. Making sure their vaccinations are up to date and providing a copy of their medical history/any completed vet work will also be helpful. Please give us as much notice as possible as finding suitable care can take time.
If you’re thinking of surrendering a pet due to severe aggression that cannot be safely handled or re-homed, it may be best discussing their future with your vet and a reputable animal behaviourist. We do have a duty of care to the community not to re-home an animal that poses a danger.
If you would like more information about the surrender process, please email us at info@savinganimalsmatters.org.au